Talks with Dad: From Bully to Hero
![Talks with Dad: From Bully to Hero](
In our day-to-day lives, we are all bombarded with loud and intrusive voices and messages. The people who “chose us” to be their friends rather than the other way around weigh heavily in our life decisions. We have given them permission to have great influence over us, just like how social media controls our lives if we want to fit in and be accepted. The problem is these things, right or wrong, shape our way of thinking and how we act and treat ourselves and others.
This book tells the story of a young man who has to make some life-changing decisions and turns to a man, a trusted friend, who gives him the advice he needs to learn to think for himself.
H1 - I am a heading
H2 - I am a heading
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H4 - I am a heading
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